

The Keep & Paste Application

Download Keepaste for Mac

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Click here to download Keepaste

Important instructions

After downloading and executing the .dmg file, having keepaste working on you Mac requires the following 2 steps -

1. Drag the icon onto the Applications icon.


2. Open a terminal and run the following command: xattr -cr /Applciations/


The reason is that macOS doesn't allow applications to run when it cannot validate their publisher.

In order to set a proper publisher for an app, the publisher should be part of "Apple's Developer Program" which involves annual fees. Keepaste is a completely-free and open-source application which doesn't produce income to cover those fees.

So, what the command does is telling macOS not to quarantine the file and allow it to run locally, although it cannot validate the publisher.

A bit long, but that's it.

In order to have more confidence, one can perform a checksum validation over the .dmg file to see that it was not modified in any way.

As Keepaste is open-source, one can also choose to clone the source code from GitHub and compile it locally and use that instead.

Happy keeping & pasting!