

The Keep & Paste Application

Download Keepaste for Windows

Your download should start automatically. If it doesn't, please click the link below:

Click here to download Keepaste


A .zip file will download to your PC.

The .zip file contains an .exe file which is a standalone application, meaning you can save it on any location on your PC and run it from there.

Important note: Windows may alert you regarding this file as it will not be able to identify the publisher of it.

Nevertheless, it will always give you the option to continue and use this file.

If you encounter the following or any similar window, please follow the instructions below (required only once) -

unknown publisher

Click on 'More info', it will add a 'Run anyway' button at the bottom of the dialog, click it.

run anyway

The reason is that Windows protect your PC from running applications it cannot validate their publisher.

In order to set a proper publisher for an app that can be validated, the application file should be digitally signed with a certificate purchased from a Certificate Authority (CA) which involves annual fees. Keepaste is a completely-free and open-source application which doesn't produce income to cover those fees.

A bit long, but that's it.

As Keepaste is open-source, one can also choose to clone the source code from GitHub and compile it locally and use that instead.

Happy keeping & pasting!